Thursday, February 12, 2009

And Then There Were Two...

7:58: The season premiere starts in a couple min. Keep checking back for my take on everything that goes down as I do some live blogging!

8:00: Aww...the show starts off with Dawn, Aundrea and Shannon reacting to what happened the night diddy kicked out the bad apples. Shannon tells the fans to hang in there...and yet she didn't accept the invite to come back?! Just saying.

8:04: Now, it's about the boys. Hmm, I doubt I'd keep watching the show if there's no DK : (

8:07: Whoa, what is up with Robert's faux mohawk and check scarf? Someone's been jocking Ye's fresh. Lol!

8:11: Ugh, Making His Band? Really? That's why none of your artists can stay afloat, Diddy--'cause you wanna be all up in the videos, all on the

8:15: The boys talk about the DK break up. Go ahead at Q for calling out Aubrey. Robert's speaking the truth. I wouldn't give it up either!

8:16: Oh, Donnie...Diddy's saying to be the male version of Aubrey, basically! It's okay to be that way 'cause you're a solo artist.

8:22: Lovin' Dawn's boyfriend-style outfit!

8:23: Damn, when did Diddy put on the artist hat for Making The Band? Ugh! He wants the spotlight on his damn self. Is that Dawn I hear on the track...?

8:25: Lol @ Dawn's Michael Jackson voice! I never noticed that before, but it's so true!

8:26: Shannon isn't returning Dawn's calls : (

8:28: Ooo...I would've loved to see Diddy call every one of the girls! Haha...

8:32: Donnie's getting emotional with his mama. Dang, his mama look like she's not one to be messed with. Lol, Donnie looks like a little boy right now.

8:37: There go Q and Robert...after he went on about not jeopordizing the dream.

8:41: Dawn's such a cutie...maybe the girls will call her after seeing this?

8:45: Sorry...I can do without Day26...

8:52: Aww, I miss seeing DK in concert. Will we see another?

8:58: Yay, Aundrea's ready to get back to work!!! Fight, fight, fight! Ooo...Looks like there's hope!

8:59: Damn, Q and Brian...dra-ma!


Ericka said...

So, I had a blast watching Diddy make a fool of himself while he was in the studio recording. He's trying so hard to stay relevant that he's mimicking Kanye West's style. I wish I had tivo so that I can go back and watch that scene. I hope DK makes a comeback just for you :D

A. Wonderland said...

Haha, thanks sweetie!